【闲真别墅 - 麻将鸦片样样有】
#怡保 闲真别墅建于1893年,当年可是锡矿家俱乐部的所在地,想要体验一把当锡矿大佬的感觉不妨到这里走走看看,在里面有很多人在打麻将、吸食鸦片、赌博、卖淫!WHAT?!噢原来都只是模拟场景罢了,差点就要报警了👮👮~
3, Jalan Bijeh Timah, 30100 Ipoh, Perak
9:30am - 3:30am (逢周一休息)
Google map : https://goo.gl/maps/juz8PCMLL7EXjwYG7
#Mydetravel #Tourismmalaysia #悠游马来西亚 #FuninMalaysia #旅游大马 #小镇旅游 #城市旅游 #怡保 #闲真别墅 #锡矿 #仿真 #模拟 #俱乐部 #霹雳 #博物馆 #ipoh #hanchin #mansion #real #simulator #club #mine #perak #museum
Han Chin Pet Soo is the location of the Hakka miner’s clubhouse which built in 1893, it is also a museum show the history of mining and simulation scene of the real situation during the colonial period.